Wednesday, February 15, 2017


"That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." ~John 3:15

John 3:16's lesser known sibling, but just as important.  It's mostly to emphasize that just as the serpent in the wilderness was lifted up and looked to for salvation from the sickness (as mentioned in verse 14), so Jesus was to be lifted up and looked to for salvation from sin.  However, the verse is repeated at the end of verse 16 as well, and when things are repeated, we know that it is important and should probably think about it more than to simply nod our head and agree with it.  (Though I will say now that we should never simply nod our head and agree with anything without first learning more of the facts.)

"That whosoever believeth in him" means that anyone can believe.  You, me, the neighbor down the street.  Anyone in the entire world can be believe, but we have to believe it all.  The Bible says "in Him" talking about Jesus.  It's not just enough to believe in him at face value, but we have to believe everything. We can't just pick the parts we like about Him, because the parts we may be uncomfortable with, like the reminder that we are sinners are just as important and a part of our Saviour.  We want all the things that make us feel like we're special, but set aside the fact that we are humans and should technically be sentenced to an eternity of eternal burning.  We are nothing, and Christ is everything.  He is love and justice, and we are sinners bound for a place filled with nothing but malice and pain.

"Should not perish, but have everlasting life" shows us that there is a way to have an eternity filled with Life.  Jesus is our Saviour, the one who is there reaching out towards us with nail scarred hands, wanting to lift us out of our lives of sin.  He is the one who is beside us every step of the way, waiting to help us in our hour of need and listening to every sorrow and prayer we have.  He is our friend that sticks closer than a brother. Even when we forget and falter, He is there, waiting and watching.

God doesn't want us to be separated from Him; he doesn't want us to have a life full of troubles without hope.  He sent His Son so that we may live fully with Him and for Him.

Do you believe?

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