Saturday, January 11, 2020

A One-Track Mind

John 4

Jesus "needed" to go through Samaria, for the same reason missionaries are called to certain places. There was someone seeking, and so someone with answers was sent. Sometimes we are more like the disciples and have a one-track mind for the material, but I pray that as the year goes on, and my church has our revival, that I will have a mind more like Jesus, a one track mind for the spiritual aspects of life. He cared less for the food and water, but used the water as an example for the Samaritan woman to understand what He was there to explain. And after that, SHE had a one-track mind for the spiritual as well and went and told the people of her city about Christ and what He had done for her. She shared the salvation story with everyone she could.

I pray that I may have a one-track mind this year for God.
~Year 2020 for a Clearer Vision For God.

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