Thursday, January 9, 2020

Daily Reading

So, recently I joined an accountability group for reading through the Bible. I've been saved for almost 8 years now, and I'm 25 with having grown up in a Christian home, but I've never actually read through the entire Bible. I'm going with a 9 month plan that has catch-up days and no scheduled Sunday reading, so those can be used as catch up days as well. :) I'm really excited about this and think I will start sharing some of the insights I find here on the blog. They'll be short, but worth it. :)

Psalm 119

Starting with Psalm 119 was rough because, while it may only be one chapter, it is a very LONG chapter. So I read it a couple times to make sure I understood what I was reading. And OH that I would have a heart like the Psalmist did!! Multiple times they state a desire along the lines of "I'm seeking, lead me in your ways," and "I'm following because I love you and your commandments." It's a struggle sometimes in this life to have a heart like that honestly. We get so busy in the day to day that we forget to slow down and soak in HIS word and HIS will. The Psalmist also mentions (paraphrasing again) "The wicked try to sway me and overcome me, but I stood by your commandments and was not moved." I've made sure to underline these verses in my Bible as I move forwards this year and do my best to live like the Psalmist.

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