Friday, November 25, 2016

The Day of Thanks

"Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice." ~Philippians 4:4

A day late and a dollar short, but we're supposed to be thankful everyday right?

We tend to forget sometimes that even the mundane things are things to be thankful for, thus the reason I don't do well at Thanksgiving.  For me, Thanksgiving is a time for other people to say out loud a lot of what I've been thinking in my head as often as I can.  Now, don't take me wrong and assume I'm saying I've been through every struggle everyone else has been through.  I will never be through half the things that my Brothers and Sisters in Christ have been through probably.  And you know what, I can be grateful that they have gone through that experience and are able to praise God for His continued faithfulness to His children and the knowledge that they now have so they can help others.

I'm Thankful that God really is in the little things.  He's in control and while we may look around and have that "head knowledge," how often do we really believe it in our hearts?  Do we really think about how our next breath could be our last if God is not in the after that?  How about that moment you miss a step on the stair and slide instead of stumbling and hitting your head?  One moment I especially thank God for is when I'm on a side road trying to stop, but it's so slick my car only stops at the last moment, but it still stops.  It's in that moment that I'm reminded that though my car should have kept going, God allowed it to stop.  

The little things in life...what are you thankful for?

I'm Thankful that God decided who were to be my Parents.  My parents are a special couple who have been through a lot.  I don't tell them often enough, but I'm thankful for them, because ultimately, I would not be the person I am today without them in my life.  They've taught me so much, whether intentionally or unintentionally.  I've learned to be brave, outspoken, kind, helpful, loyal, hardworking, honest, daring, optimistic, trusting, considerate, and other aspects that I cannot put a word to.  But these have come from my parents and watching them, I cannot claim them as my own.  I thank God that He gave them to me, and I to them.  Though I grew up as an only child in a military family, they gave me the blessing of showing me their love for me, for their families, and for God.  Without them, I would not have the relationship with God that I do today.

I'm Thankful that God brought my Grandparents together.  Going back to the little things, I always think about what would have happened if just one little stone in the river of my life would have been placed differently, and remember to thank God that it's been placed where it is.  I have learned many things from my grandparents as well, both sets.  So many stories to be told and the remembrance of the brevity of life.  Though I do not expect my grandparents to pass anytime soon, each visit is a reminder that I don't know what day anyone I love will pass.  They have all been such blessings to me and daily reminders of why my relationship with God is so sweet.  The love that God gives is so unconditional and pure.  Just as my grandparents love me without condition, even when I don't talk to them like I should and want to, God still loves me, and so much more.  I love my grandparents, all of them so much.  I pray daily that when this passing world is done, I will see them again in Heaven.

The people in life...who are you thankful for?

Most of all, I'm Thankful that God desired to have a relationship with me so much that He sent his Son to die for me.  Ultimately, I'm a sinner.  I've broken God's rules and still do from time to time.  It may seem silly and somewhat ridiculous to believe and say it so straightforward, but I'm a lying, thieving, covetous human being with other titles that could probably be added to the list.  God saved me from such a dark pit of despair when He sent His Son to die in my place and I finally accepted His free gift of salvation.  I had tried being a good person to cover up my sin and help me forget it, but only God could make it disappear.  One day soon I will put my salvation story on here, and it might make more sense.

Man loves darkness.  We hide our secrets in darkness and wait for darkness before we do our evil deeds.  Why do we sneak through the house for midnight snacks after all?  Even the smallest thing that we don't really think of.

I serve the God of Light though.  I live with Him in my heart, and in my life.  He is the Alpha and the Omega.  The Beginning and the End.  He is All I need in this life.  Man can take everything from me, but he cannot take my God.

The God of you really thank Him?

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