Sunday, January 22, 2017

Fun Times

WOW!  I can't believe it's already over half way through January...where has time gone?  Just last week I was in Palmer spoiling my niece and best friend (hence the lack of posts ;-).  This month is just getting busier, specially with new prospects on the horizon for me as I begin on the journey towards actually getting a job.

However, as I was getting ready to get back on the ball of posting something, I decided to check my dear friend Mykaela's blog. Obviously with focusing on my friend and niece, I had fallen behind, and missed a vital post!  I have been tagged in a questionnaire of sorts.  Unfortunately, the only blogger I know personally is the person who tagged me!  Nobody said I couldn't just answer the questions placed to me though. :-)

This first little bit is about the reasoning behind this type of questioning.
No, it's not English. 
'Lieb' means 'Love' in German. The suffix '-ster' is very similar to an English superlative. 'Liebster', then, means something along the lines of 'Beloved', or 'Most Loved'. 

As far as I can tell, the Liebster Tag (previously, "Liebster Award") began as a way to recognize and promote your favorite and/or new bloggers."
So without further ado, Mykaela's questions and my answers to them. :-)

1. What are some of your favorite Christian artists or groups?
I love quartets!!!  So Greater Vision and Legacy Five are some of the top.  I also love a lot of Ron Hamilton music.  I'm kind of a basic gal with simple pleasures.

2. What genre do you enjoy reading most?
Ummmm, other than the Bible and things associated with it, I have a few "Young Adult" series that I like such as The Ranger's Apprentice and The Inheritance Series.

3. What person has been the biggest influence or made the biggest impact on your life?
Other than God?  I would have to say my Dad.  Honestly, a lot of who I am today is because I've always looked up to him.  He's hard working and likes to hunt. ;-)

4. What is your most important goal in life right now?
Well, waking up on the right side of the dirt is always a top priority.  Right now I think remembering to spend time with God like I do my other friends is definitely an important goal for me.   Sometimes I forget that He's not just someone I associate, but He's my friend and Abba Father...I need to spend time with Him as such.

5. What's one of your favorite childhood memories? 
Reading.  I have always loved reading.  I also remember playing Lord of the Rings during recess at the church academy.  That's where I get my awesome social skills from...and maybe part of the reason I don't get intimidated easily...

6. What are a couple of hobbies or talents of yours?
Well, I hold down couches pretty well, Lol.  I love to sing and cook, and sometimes sing while I'm cooking.  I recently learned I'm good at making tortillas!!!  Unfortunately, I like to eat the food I cook too.  ;-)  I can also speak whale...

7. Is there one song that you always go back to for encouragement or just because you love it? :)
Ummm, kind of difficult because there are actually three that I usually go for.  You Are My Refuge by Meghan Hamilton. Till The Storm Passes Over, which is a hymn.  You Are Loved by Josh Groban. 

8. What is a food that you really don't like?
Eggplant...only had it taste good once...barely. Lol

9. Favorite instrument? (To listen to or play)
Um, I have to say I'm quite partial to the trombone and love a good trombone piece, mostly because I play it myself.  As a stringed instrument though, Viola's are beautiful and have a marvelously rich tone to them.

10. Early bird or night owl? ;)
Well...Seems how I'm doing this at midnight my time, I'd have to say a night owl with early bird tendencies!  XD
Well folks, my battery is dying and I want to be able to post this, so I shall save more adventures for the next post.  :-)

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